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What’s Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment that gently removes the top layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair.  This treatment can soften acne scarring, eliminates fine lines and wrinkles and much more. It is also known as blading or microplaning. While women usually use this treatment to correct “peach fuzz” on their face, men also love this treatment because it reduces the appearance of sun-damaged, dry skin.

How Does It Work?

The device used in this treatment appears similar to the razor you use at home. But this medical-grade device is not quite the same. Treatment works similarly to shaving. Your board-certified dermatologist will slowly drag a sterile dermaplane blade across your skin at a 45-degree angle This removes any dead skin cells, scar tissue and other debris that leave your skin looking uneven and dull.

Every day, your skin is exposed to sun damage, irritants and harsh environmental toxins. The resulting dull countenance can make you look older than your chronological age. By removing these dead, discolored skin cells, everyone sees the fresh, young skin cells previously underneath the superficial layer of your skin.


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